I will never forget the morning I had the best breakfast of my life. I knew on the very first bite. It was like French toast mixed with crack and I was the fiend. Between bites I was probably annoying everyone at my table with my explanations of surprise and awe with how amazing this meal was. I just simply couldn’t believe it. It was that good.
Now, the last thing I want to do is overhype you on my dish and have you try it and respond with, “Eh.” Just know for me, it’s one of the best food creations I’ve ever experienced, and definitely the best breakfast I’d ever had, anywhere, ever. Guy Fieri was here, so there’s that.

It was called Lost Bread, and it’s the New Orleans version of French toast. I experienced it at The Old Coffee Pot, in the French Quarter. The Lost Bread here was a thinner, crispier version of normal French toast. I’m not sure how they make it, and I don’t really care–I was too busy shoving it into my mouth as quickly as I could.
They put about a pound of powdered sugar on top. Add some syrup, and it’s perfection. This thing is fried just right, so golden and just crispy enough. Think French toast meets funnel cake plus meth. I was literally going out of my mind eating this thing.

Sixteen months later I returned to The Big Easy, and my first stop? You know it. I had my same waitress as my first trip too, which made it that more cool. One of the waitresses there is a helluva singer, and I witnessed her sing for two different tables. I came for breakfast and for dinner that same day, and had my Lost Bread for both meals. #GordoStatus

Sometimes there’s a wait to be seated…and to get your food. But I assure you it’s well worth it.
Shout out to my brother Roger for introducing me to this place.
And now, enjoy “Happy Birthday,” compliments of The Old Coffee Pot.
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