“Hey R Dub, come on in.”
-Greg Ashlock / Vice President Clear Channel Los Angeles
It happened exactly ten nights ago: Monday, January 19th 2009, 5:19PM…my General Manager’s office at the radio station in L.A.
Rumor had it that the following day there were to be thousands of layoffs at the company (Clear Channel). I was really worried about my staff and hoped that our station wouldn’t be affected too much. The outlook was dreary. My boss told me to “stick around” that day because I was to be called in to let some people go. Who would’ve thought that those “people” simply meant me?
It was quick. Like the doctor that doesn’t warn you he is about to give you a shot. Sometimes it’s better that way. “We’re making some changes and we’re no longer going to be needing your services.” He said it so quickly for a second I thought he was joking. But he wasn’t. Straight and to the point. I was gone.